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13. Охарактеризуйте основные принципы и методы борьбы с огнем. Начинать ответ можно со следующих фраз:

There are four main principles of fire attack. They are …

The stage of the fire influences the method of fire attack.

14. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какую новую информацию по сравнению с основным текстом, он содержит:

According to the combustibles classification fires also may be divided into 4 classes: A, B, C and D.

Class A fires are fires involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber, and any plastics. Water is used in a cooling effect to reduce the temperature of the burning material below its ignition temperature. Sometimes foams may enhance water’s ability to extinguish Class A fires.

Class B fires involve flammable and combustible liquids and gases such as gasoline, oil, lacquers, paints, mineral spirits, and alcohols. The smothering or blanketing effect of oxygen exclusion is most effective for extinguishment. Other extinguishing methods include removal of fuel and temperature reduction when possible.

Fires involving energized electrical equipment are Class C fires. Household appliances, computers, transformers, and overhead transmission lines are examples of these. These fires can sometimes be controlled by a non-conducting extinguishing agent such as Halon, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide. The safest extinguishment procedure is to first de-energize high voltage circuits and then to treat the fire as a Class A or Class B fire depending upon the fuel involved.

Class D fires involve combustible metals such as aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium and potassium. These materials are particularly hazardous in their powdered form. Proper concentrations of metal dusts can cause powerful explosions. The extremely high temperature of some burning metals makes water and other common extinguishing agents ineffective. Special extinguishing agents are available for control of fire in each of the metals and are marked specifically for that metal. These agents are used to cover up the burning material and smother the fire.

15. Придумайте диалог в парах по тексту упр. 14, используя в своих репликах следующие фразы:

- What do you know about ... ? Что ты знаешь о … ?

- (Is it) really? Разве это так? (Это правда ?)

- And what about ... ? А что касается … ?

- There’s no doubt about it - В этом нет сомнения

- To all this must be added that ... Ко всему этому следует добавить,

что …

- If I am not mistaken ... Если я не ошибаюсь …


Грамматика: It is ... that

Словообразование: Suffixes: -able (-ible), -ness

Текст: Extinguishing Media
