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Analyzed sources

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DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.002

UDC 801.3:811.111:008

Linguo-pragmatic analysis of colloquial expressions in english professional discourse in the context of digital civilization development e.N. Malyuga, V.E. Ermishina


Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Doctor of Linguistics, Head of Foreign Languages Department,

Faculty of Economics

Elena Nikolaevna Malyuga

e-mail: malyuga-en@rudn.ru

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Master student of

The Institute of World Economy and Business

Valentina Evgenievna Ermishina

e-mail: 1032193399@rudn.ru


Statement of the problem. In this paper, based on articles from professional rubrics in English mass-media, colloquialisms are analyzed from the point of view of linguopragmatics within the lexico-semantic field, since colloquialisms are mainly kept up at the lexical level. The article considers linguistic and extralinguistic features of colloquial verbs designed to have an emotional impact on the reader in the context of the development of digital civilization and the formation of clip thinking.

Results. The article reveals the content of the linguopragmatics concept as the main approach to the study. The concepts of digital civilization and colloquial expressions are also analyzed, and their interrelationship is revealed. The concept of a lexical-semantic field is considered, since colloquialisms are actualized mainly at the lexical level. The lexico-semantic field “to spend money” is analyzed, and the types of semantic connections between its elements are determined. Linguistic and extralinguistic means used for emotional impact on the recipient are revealed. The most common are metaphor at the lexical level and narrative sentences at the syntactic level, followed by phrasal verbs at the lexical level. Quotation marks and bold font with underlining are the least frequent on the graphic level, as well as irony on the semantic level.

Conclusion. The use of colloquialisms is conditioned by the need to attract the attention of readers, most of whom are currently characterized by clip thinking. Within the framework of linguopragmatics, the impact on the recipient is achieved by means of various linguistic levels: quotation marks, bold font with underlining, metaphor, phrasal verbs, narrative sentences, irony. Colloquialisms perform an emotional and expressive function due to their metaphorical nature.

Key words: colloquial expressions, linguo-pragmatic approach, professional discourse, mass-media, lexico-semantic field, phrasal verbs, digital civilization, emotionality, expressiveness.

For citation: Malyuga E.N. Linguo-pragmatic analysis of colloquial expressions in English professional discourse in the context of digital civilization development / E.N. Malyuga, V.E. Ermishina // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 18-27.

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