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  1. She can be a bit moody.

Complete the following dialogues with the words and phrases below:







  1. Lucy never thinks about anyone but herself.

Yes, she can be a bit … sometimes.

  1. Oh, Laura’s impossible. One minute life is wonderful and the next minute she’s in her room crying.

Yes, she can be a bit …, can’t she?

  1. I really don’t like Bob. He seems to think that he’s more important than anybody else.

He certainly can be very … .

  1. Martin’s such good fun. He’s got a great sense of humour.

Yes, he can be very … at times.

  1. I wish Joe would stop playing practical jokes all the time. It gets very tiring.

Yes, he can be really …at times. I wish he’d grow up and behave like an adult.

  1. I told Emma that she shouldn’t leave university but she never listens to me.

No, she really can be very … when she wants, can’t she?

8. Negative prefixes

Change these words into their opposites by adding un, dis, in, or im:













9 . Read the text below. Match choices (a-h) to (1-5). There are three choices you don’t need to use. Overcoming shyness

Excessive shyness is a sign of insecurity, lack of confidence, an incorrect self-image and low self-esteem. When you are shy, you feel unsure of yourself in the company of others.

Some bad experiences during childhood could have caused you to become timid and withdrawn. When you are uncomfortable among others, you can’t talk, express your opinions or ask for favours. Timidity can destroy your ambitions, your success with relationships and your life.


There is a positive intention in your behavior. Most likely you are trying to protect yourself from looking and feeling like a fool. Listen to yourself. Your words are powerful. Stop focusing on your lack. The more often you label yourself as a shy person, the more your subconscious mind will agree and prove to you that you are right.

(2) __________

Another great way to overcome your bashfulness is to imagine the best possible outcome of a situation. In your mind, you can do anything including making the first move, talking in public and being assertive. Consistently practice becoming the person you want to become in your mind. Through practice and repetition, you are able to “act as if” you are confident and soon will become good at it.

(3) ___________

You must refuse to give in to self-doubt. The past is over with faults and mistakes. You are a grown-up and can act differently.

List down on a piece of paper why you are shying away from people and why you are afraid to speak up and become the real you who would love to have a good company. Look at your list and question yourself if what you have written is true.

What can you do to improve? You can learn new skills, like how to improve your communication, enhance your self-image and how to become more confident.

(4) ___________

You must fight your resistance to socialize. You should put in the effort to connect with other, especially those who have positive qualities. Listen, observe and learn. These people will subtly influence your behavior and your thinking. Go out and join will subtly influence your behavior and your thinking. Go out and join their company. Sitting home and shying away won’t help you become bold.

(5) __________

The trouble with self-conscious individuals is that they think the other people are concerning about how they look and perform. Yes, there are judgmental people. But do you know that most of them are insecure and look for the weakness in others to validate their own worth? If you can keep that in mind, you’d go about living your life and not become bothered.

  1. Become Aware of Your Inner Chatters

  2. Connect and Interact with Others

  3. Imagine a New Self-Image

  4. Work on Yourself

  5. Strive to Become a Better Inner and Outer Person

  6. Remove Self-Doubt and Overcaution

  7. Understand that people are Caught up in Their Own World

  8. Look for Role Models