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підручник англійська мова.docx
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Why people surf the net

There are so many things you can do and participate in once connected to the (a)_______. They include using a range of services to (b)______ and share information and things quickly and inexpensively with tens of millions of people, both young and old and from diverse (c) _______ around the world. For example:

  • You’ll be able to keep in touch and send things to (d) ____ and friends using (e) ____, Internet telephone, (f) _____ and video conferencing.

  • You can also tap into thousands of databases, online libraries and newsgroup around the world to gather information on any (g)_____ of interest for work or recreation. The information can be in the form of text, pictures or even (h)_____.

  • This means you can stay (i) __ with news, sports, weather and any current affairs around the world with information (j) ______ daily, hourly or instantly.

  • You can also locate and download computer software and other products that are available in (k)__.

  • You can listen to (l)____, and watch (m)_____.

  • There is also a growing number of (n)________ games and (o)_____ tools.

And as well as using the Internet for receiving things, you will be able to (p) _______ information about your school and hobbies.

Find in the text:

  1. Where you have to be connected to if you want to participate in a chatroom.

  2. How you can communicate with people from all over the world.

  3. Which sites you tap into when you are doing research on any topic.

  4. Where you can find information about books.

Use your dictionary to find the meaning of up-to-date, update, out of date, outdated.

Then fill in the blanks with the suitable word.

  1. Kevin bought an …. version of the software. It’s much better than the previous one.

  2. We are having great trouble in … our database.

  3. That software is so … I really think you should buy the new version.

  4. Nowadays this technique is rather ….

Based on both texts (A and B), write about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. You may add others besides the ones mentioned in the texts.

3. Vocabulary exercises

A. Are you a computer expert?








Internet Explorer






Floppy disc



  1. Now use the words to fill in the spaces in these sentences.

search engine download browser kilobyte cookie portal

search term subscription URL pop-up banner modem

Начало формы

1. Did you see that ___on the CNN site yesterday? It was for a children's charity and looked interesting so I clicked on it.

2. I don't like visiting sites where there are too many ___ . It takes me so long to close them all!!

3. Many people ____songs off the internet and listen to them on their computers.

4. "Is the _____of the BBC bbc.com or bbc.co.uk?" "The second one I think."

5. My computer is working perfectly but my ____is broken so I can't access the internet at all.

6. I found a great site about butterflies yesterday but now I can't find it again. I went to Google and typed in the ____"amazon butterflies" but I don't remember which one it was.

7. Sometimes if you look at a website with Internet Explorer and then open up a different ____, the site will look very different.

8. This photo is taking too long to load, it is over 800 ___. I think I will see it when I have more time.

9. I like that website but now they want everyone to pay a ____of $20 a month so I will go and find a free site elsewhere.

10. We found a great internet _____yesterday that I'd never seen before. You can have an e-mail account, get news about your favourite sport and even use their chat rooms. And it has a search function too.

11. Amazon uses _____ a lot which means they can give you a personal welcome back message every time you visit their site.

12. The biggest _____on the internet is Google but Yahoo and MSN are popular too.