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3 . Readig comprehension

A. Answer the questions.

  • When were the first newsreels made and shown?

  • Who was A. Fedetsky?

  • When was an animated cartoon studio set up?

  • What kinds of films were showed during World War II?

  • Who was O. Dovzhenko?

  • What Dovzhenko’s films do you know?

  • Where did he work?

  • What Ukrainian actors and actresses do you know? (not only from the text)

  1. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.

  • Their regular production began in 1807.

  • Among directors of Mosfilm were V. Levanovsky, I. Lazaruk and others.

  • During World War II Ukrainian film-makers made trips to the front.

  • O. Dovzhenko became an important figure in national and world cinematography.

  • Apart from a number of feature films O. Dovzhenko made animated cartoons.

  • Bohdan Stupka, Ada Rohovtseva, Olha Sumska have successfully appeared in domestic and foreign productions.

  1. Match the meaning with the words




 a form of entertainment, information, etc, composed of sucha sequence of images and shown in a cinema


the text of a play, broadcast, or movie.


a short motion picture presenting current or recent events

motion picture

one who goes to see movies.

feature film

the art or technique of motion-picture photography.


a workpresenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration


the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater


a producer or director of motionpictures

3 . Reading

Read the text below. Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use.

Ukrainian theatre and cinema

The theatre originated in Ukraine under Western influence in the 17th century. Intermedia (verse dialogue) (1) ______________– the social theatre – whose repertoire included dramatization of Christian legends, historical drama and a puppet play “vertep”, performed on a stage of two levels. The best example of a historical play was Teofan Prokopovych’s “Vladimir” (1705). In the 19th century a Ukrainian ethnographic theatre developed and folk plays and vaudeville were raised to a high level of artistry by such actors as Mykola Sadovsky and Maria Zankovetska. The beginning of the 20th century saw (2) _______________ (who introduced both ancient Greek and Shakespearean techniques to the Ukrainian stage) and plays by Volodymyr Vinnychenko and Oleksandr Oles, who was an innovator in symbolic plays.

The real flowering of the Ukrainian theatre occurred between 1917 and 1933. The Berezil Theatre in Kharkiv (1922-1933) (3) ___________, was the most distinguished troupe. The most famous playwrights of that period were Mykola Kulish with his “Patetychna Sonata” and Oleksandr Korniychuk who tended to write in the approved manner.

There are about 60 professional theatres in Ukraine now, (4) ___________are the Ivan Franko Theatre in Kyiv and the Maria Zankovetska Theatre in Lviv.

Ukrainian film has achieved some marked successes. The director and scenarist Oleksandr Dovzhenko, (5) ________, was an important innovator in world cinematography. His works “Zvenyhora”, “Arsenal” and especially “Zemlia” (“The Earth”) are considered classics of the silent-film era. Another outstanding Ukrainian producer is Serhy Paradzhanov. His film “Tini zabutykh predkiv” (“Shadow of Forgotten Ancestors”) (6) __________in the world. The Ukrainian motion-picture industry is centred on the O. Dovzhenko Studio in Kyiv and in the Odessa studio, which is famous for its films for children and youth.

A. who died in 1956

B. under the artistic director Les Kurbas

C. originated from folk plays, dances, songs

D. became famous in many countries

E. rapidly developed into a specific genre

F. the most famous of which

G. plays to be staged in Ukrainian

H. the dramas by Lesia Ukrainka