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4. Dialogue. Going through the customs.

Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing words. Do the test.











Customs Officer: Next. Uh, your (1) _____________ please. Woman: Okay. Customs Officer: Uh, what is the purpose of your (2) __________? Woman: I’m here to (3) _________ a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days. Customs Officer: And where will you be staying? Woman: I’ll be staying in a room at a hotel (4) __________ for the entire week. Customs Officer: And uh, what do you have in your (5) _________? Woman: Uh, well, just, just my (6) __________ belongings, um, ... clothes, a few books, and a CD player. Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, please open your bag. Woman: Sure. Customs Officer: Okay … Everything’s fine. [Great]. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the (7) __________? Woman: Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my (8) ________ were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back (9) _________ then. Customs Officer: Well, (10) __________ your trip. Woman: Thanks.

1. What is the purpose of the woman’s visit?

a) business; b) pleasure; c) business and pleasure

2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?

a) at a friend’s home; b) at a hotel; c) at a university dormitory

3. About how long will the woman be in the country?

a) one or two days; b) three or four days; c) more than four days

4. What things are in the woman’s luggage?

a) clothing, computer, and books; b) CD player, clothing, and books;

c) books, gifts and computer

L esson 32.

  1. T ravel preferences

Complete the travel ads with the correct phrases from the box:

buy handicrafts

listen to live music

 speak a foreign language

visit landmarks

go to clubs

see wildlife

try local food


  1. S eeing the sights

Read the catalogue page. Then number the pictures to match the descriptions.

Read the catalogue page again. Then write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).

1. The binoculars are cheaper than the camera.

2. The camera only comes in one color.

3. You have to wear the sarong.

4. The earplugs aren’t expensive.

5. Expanding the bag is easy.

3. Countries quiz

Can you match the countries in the box with the twelve descriptions? (Four of the countries in the box are not described.)

1. This eastern European country, which has a coastline on the Black Sea, joined the European Union in 2007. ‘Dracula’s Castle’ is one of its tourist attractions.

2. This small country in Central America had a civil war in the 1980s and has also had natural disasters including earthquakes and hurricanes. Tourists visit its forests, beaches and volcanoes.

3. This Muslim country is the sixth most populous in the world, with a population of over 180 million. Its capital is Islamabad.

4. This country is the fifth most populous in the world and also the fifth biggest.

5. This is quite a large country but its population is less than three million. It has borders with Russia and China and doesn’t have a coastline. Its currency is the togrog.

6. The natural resources of this South American country include a lot of oil.

Unusually for this part of the world, the most popular sport is not football: it’s baseball.

7. Most people in the north of this country speak Arabic. It is the largest country in

Africa and it has a border with Egypt to the north.

8. This country, an island in the northern Atlantic Ocean, has a lot of volcanoes. When one of them erupted in 2010 it caused many problems for aircraft.

9. This is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 kilometres from New Zealand. Most people there can speak English and the most popular sport is rugby.

10. This country used to have an empire that included very small parts of Asia, some of southern Africa, and a large part of South America.

11. This small country, with a population of less than one million, is one of very few parts of Africa where most people can speak Spanish. It has a coastline on the Atlantic and has recently discovered a lot of oil.

12. There are more wild tigers in this country than anywhere else in the world.

Complete the crossword below. If all the words are correct, two countries will read from top to bottom: the first has a border with country 1 on Worksheet A, the second has a border with country 12.

1. ___________ is more popular in Venezuela than in most parts of South America.

2. In 1972 an ___________ in Nicaragua destroyed many buildings in Managua.

3. The population of Pakistan is almost as big as the population of ___________.

4. Many people in Fiji love ___________.

5. Many of the people in Equatorial Guinea are Spanish ___________.

6. East Timor, Mozambique and Brazil used to be part of the Portuguese __________.

7. ___________ is not next to the sea.

8. Romania is ___________ of the European Union.

9. The ___________ of wild tigers, even in India, is falling.

10. The ___________ in Iceland is the krona, and in Venezuela the bolivar.

11. If you go south from ___________ you get to Sudan.

12. The name of the capital of ___________ means ‘City of Islam’.

1 3. Many planes could not ___________ because of the volcano that erupted in
