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  1. Problems in a friendship

Complete the following letters to a magazine problem page with these words and phrases:


go our separate ways

fell out

drifted apart

isn’t speaking


Dear Sally,

I’ve been really good friends with Emma since we started in the same class two years ago but recently we (1) … over a boy that we both like. I knew Emma liked him but when Steve asked me out I accepted. Emma was really angry and we had a terrible (2) … .Now she (3) … to me. I like Steve but I don’t want to (4) … my best friend. What should I do?

Dear Sally,

All the time we were at school Lucy and I were really close friends. We really enjoyed each other’s company and did everything together. But since she went to university we seem to have (5) … . She’s made lots of new friends and doesn’t have time for me. Do you think there is anything I can do to keep her as a friend or should I just accept it’s time to (6) …..?

Lesson 10.

peer (N-count) the people who are the same age as you or have the same

A. Read the title of the text. How can the text be related to peer pressure? Read and say.

As you grow older, you’ll sometimes have to make difficult decisions. This is hard enough but it can be even harder when you are put under pressure by people around you. Some teenagers give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in or because they worry that their peers may laugh at them if they don’t go along with the group. Others join the group out of curiosity and the desire to try something new. Saying “no” to peer pressure means stating your identity. Be proud of your personality and achievements and always assert your opinions and feelings, without being aggressive. Which of the descriptions below is closer to your attitude when you deal with peer pressure?


Assertive people tend to stand up for their own rights but respect other people’s rights at the same time. They express their own views but also listen to others. They stay calm and polite, even when they disagree with other people. They negotiate rather than try to dominate.

Aggressive people tend to dominate others. They are often rude, sarcastic or abusive and they try to get their own way regardless of what others want. They are often the ones who put pressure on others.

Passive people tend to put up with things and give in easily to others. They often find themselves doing things that they don’t really want to do, because they go along with what other people want to do or with the general trend.

B. Read the text again and mark sentences 1-5 T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). Correct the false statements.

1. Decision-making gets more difficult as you get older.


2. Some teenagers will do things just to feel part of the group.


3. People who say “no” to peer pressure have no identity.


4. Assertive people don’t usually try to control people.


5. People who put pressure on others are often aggressive.


C. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

1. despite

3. way of thinking

5. offensive

7. interest

2. despite

4. control

6. wish

8. talk to try to solve a problem

D. Now use the words in bold to complete the sentences.

1. I’ve always had the … to play in school plays but I am a bit too shy.

2. Bullies often try to … their peers.

3. Jacob’s … toward other people can be very negative at times.

4. You should be yourself … of what other people say.

5. The headmaster wants to … a solution to the problem between the teacher and the students.